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Welcome to Mahir Consultancy
Expert assessment, analysis, and valuation techniques to determine the accurate worth of your company.
Mahir Consultancy is a leading management consultancy in Pakistan, serving the global and international client by providing business valuation in Pakistan and company valuation in Pakistan
Valuation of business involves detailed analysis of historical statements, precise estimation of future projections and its impact on the earning potentially of the business as a whole. Various valuation techniques are used for valuing a business/company depending upon the applicability of each method or approach for particular business. Below are the main approaches which could be used for valuation:
Given that the objective of the valuation by considering the business assuming a going concern, we normally apply the “Future Earning & its Net Present Value” based approach in valuing business/company.
The most commonly methods/techniques used in future earning approach are:
1. Capitalization of maintainable earrings; and
2. Discounted cash flow (DCF)
We believe that the DCF method would be the most appropriate method to value your business due to following reasons:
A valuation based on the DCF method requires the determination of the following parameters:
We would adopted the Future Earning/Income based approach comprising of discounting cash flow (DCF) as a technique to value your company/business.